Rideshare Car Insurance
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Cheap Ridesharing Insurance
Having the right coverage is extremely important for Uber® and Lyft® drivers. Using your vehicle for income generating purposes is excluded from all personal insurance policies. If you have an accident while you are signed into your rideshare application, your claim can be denied.
Please fill in the form below and we will email you a firm quote to insure your car with Farmers correctly:
Why do I Need Ridesharing Insurance?
Your personal auto insurance covers you while you are not signed into the rideshare application to accept customers. As soon as you are signed in as “open for business” your personal insurance ends. The ride share company’s insurance does not begin until you physically pick up a passenger. This means you are uninsured while you are en route to pick up a passenger or driving around with your application “open for business”

To cover yourself correctly in purchasing ride share insurance for little as $20 per month!
Farmers Insurance has created a solution for this. Farmers Insurance is the only insurance company endorsed by Uber®. For the price of around $20 per month, Farmers will write an endorsement for your policy that covers you to the same limits while you are open for business on your application. This means you are never without coverage.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I pay monthly?
Yes, Farmers has a variety of billing plans.
What are the highest limits available?
Farmers can offer up to $5,000,000 in liability coverage.
How much does the endorsement cost to cover me while I am driving without a passenger?
It is usually between $15 and $25 per month.
Is this endorsement required by Uber or Lyft?
It is not required but they will not be getting sued if you are in an accident without a passenger and with their application open for accepting rides.
Who covers me when I have a passenger in the car?
As of now, Uber uses an insurance company called Mount Hawley and they have $1,000,000 in liability coverage while there is a passenger in the car.
How long does it take to put a policy into force?
Usually we can have a policy issued the same day.
Why wouldn’t I do this?
There is no answer. This is a true no brainer. If you are in an accident and the insurance company denies your claim, you are truly stuck. You will be paying for your own physical damage, your own attorney and own damages.
Do I have to buy a minimum of coverage?
Do you insure in every state?
Yes, we have coverage in every state although sometimes it may not be through Farmers.

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