General Contractors Liability Insurance Blog

Types of Restaurant Insurance Coverage Every Owner Needs

Types of Restaurant Insurance Coverage Every Owner Needs

You probably already know that choosing the right type of restaurant insurance is crucial for the survival of your food service business. But how do you know what types of coverage and policies are needed for your particular business?  In this article, we will go...
Do I Need a Painter’s License Bond in California?

Do I Need a Painter’s License Bond in California?

Obtaining a Painter’s License Bond in California is vital for every painting contractor planning to conduct business in the Golden State. This bond, essentially a form of insurance, is designed to protect consumers from potential financial loss resulting from a...
How Do I File a Painting Insurance Claim?

How Do I File a Painting Insurance Claim?

Navigating the process of a painting insurance claim can be complex, particularly for those unfamiliar with the ins and outs of insurance procedures. Whether your claim is related to damage to a valuable piece of art or substandard work from a professional paint job,...
What Is Covered Under Painter’s Insurance?

What Is Covered Under Painter’s Insurance?

Navigating the complexities of business insurance can seem daunting, especially when understanding what is covered under painter’s insurance. This crucial coverage forms the backbone of financial protection for painting contractors and businesses, safeguarding them...
What Types of Insurance Do Painters Need?

What Types of Insurance Do Painters Need?

When asking “what types of insurance do painters need,” there are several key considerations to bear in mind. As a painter, you’re exposed to various risks that can impact your business, from accidents and injuries to property damage. From accidental...
How Much Does Painting Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Painting Insurance Cost?

“How much does painting insurance cost?” is a key question for anyone looking to start or grow their painting business. Understanding the cost of this vital protection can help you budget effectively and ensure your business is safeguarded against...